
Barr #27887

Please check your document carefully.  

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By approving this order, I acknowledge the following:

  • I have reviewed these proofs and am satisfied with the content of each document
  • I have spot-checked data to ensure that it corresponds with the data I have uploaded
  • I understand that this job may enter production immediately
  • I understand that cancelling a job will incur fees

[button link=”https://www.offers2owners.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Barr-27887-1.pdf” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Barr #27887[/button]


  1. I uploaded and replaced the previous documents.
    There are three documents:
    – Template.doc (good for both .xls)
    – CO Park FairPlay 110 feb 14 20.xls (106 records)
    – Data Sheet- Pueblo Updated.xls (65 records)

    The overall records increased and I need to add money to this order.
    Go ahead charge the difference on my credit card on record.

    This has been difficult experience for me to get this mail merge ready. I spent at least 30 hours day and night to get this ready.
    I hired a VA to prepare the template. Still I have to re-do the whole thing because he rearranged my datafields resulting my formula not corresponding to fields and shown ‘0’ for pricing. I have to figure out what’s going on which one goes to which. May be you can critique my two .xls sheets.
    I thought I should keep the format of “CO Park FairPay 110 Feb 14 20.xls” which is my download format. I need guidance so i will be more efficient next time. If you can send sample .xls of how other people choosing the fields in xls , may be you can give me some advice will be
    great. I am struggling.

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